Map of South America

Map of South America
I am sailing down the eastern coast of South America.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Life at sea

Although you you may think that life at sea is much different then life on land, it is similar in many ways. It  does have its differences, good and bad, but that is why many people sail around the world like I am now. For example, have you ever woken up to the sound of a thousand flying fish flittering right below your balcony? I don't think so, and if you have on land you might consider yourself crazy. The last four days I have been on the ship, we have been "at sea". (Not parked at a dock.) That is a pretty long time to spend rocking in the waves. This unique ship offers a lot to do during these times, so we are not at all bored.

In the morning we usually do schoolwork (Each day I hope my parents forget to assign anything). Every day is different, usually depending on the last tour that we did. Of course we have to do math also, which has nothing to do with the port of call. My favorite project is one that we are working on right now. A very nice and interesting man that is on the ship named Jorge gave us a magnificent book all about the gems of Brazil and South America. He is on the ship for buisness. The international marketing directer for the gem company of H. Stern is a big job. I have to take notes on each of the phenominal gems in the interesting book, and I love doing it. Most of the school work that we do on the ship is fun, and I am glad I am able to get great experiences like Jorge.

The afternoon is where all the real fun starts. There are all kinds of amazing activities to do, such as pool, paddle tennis, ping pong, swimming, golf, and much more. I do all sorts of things with my two brothers, and sometimes games like pool and tennis get pretty competitive. A lot of the time somebody will come on the ship and give talks about different topics (Such as Meg Lowman). We go to all of those because they are both extremely interesting and educational.

At night is when we usually go out to the wonderful restaraunts on the ship. There are strict rules of dress code. No flipflops! No shorts at night! Women must wear dresses at night! Men must wear nice jacketsat night! See, those rules are even worse then school! The ship's library has over a thousand movies to pick from, and sometimes the crew members will even show it in the movie theater. They only can do this because there are only 39 guests on the 300 guest ship, so not many people want to watch any movies.

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