Map of South America

Map of South America
I am sailing down the eastern coast of South America.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Guama river expedition

On the second day that we were at Belem,we went on a river expedition in the Guama river. The Guama is a tributary off of the Amazon river. As we sailed down,we could see many native Indian houses right by the river. All of the houses had stilts to hold them up from high tide. We pulled up at a dock eventually, and went exploring in the rain forest. There were many kinds of plants and fruits throughout the rain forest like a rubber tree, a leaf that felt like plastic (Indians used it as tin foil for cooking.), giant frawns, and much more. We got to see how the natives made charcoal, by putting two holes in a termite mound and sticking wood inside. They would then burn the wood but the hole in the top would prevent it from turning to ash. They also used termite farms for ovens the same way. The rain forest is a very interesting place where any living things thrive. I was so lucky to be able to see such a famous one, and I hope that more people will come and see the amazing phenomenon. Then they will maybe stop and think what they are destroying and ruining.

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